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6 Foods to Improve Children's Intelligence

Adding Intelligence Brain Food for Kids

Intelligence in children can be affected by several factors, such as heredity, environment and food consumed. To increase intelligence in children is not easy, need perseverance to teach children to be smart and nutritious food are also needed to support the intelligence of the brain that increase.

Dietary factors must be considered and be one of the keys to support intelligence. Foods that contain high nutritional and healthy diet must be present in the child, in order to meet the nutritional needs of the day - day. The type of food that intelligence support will help improve memory and concentration in children, but it also can stimulate the growth of brain cells.

Healthy Food Can Improve Brain Intelligence Children when Consumed
Well, what kind of foods that can help increase intelligence in children? refer to the following description:

1. Yogurt and Dairy
Yogurt is a dairy product that is processed from the average - average these preparations have a protein and vitamin B. Both of these nutrients and enzymes useful to help the growth of brain tissue. Moreover, high milk protein and carbohydrates that can make the stomach becomes full, and as a source of energy for the brain.

2. Colored Vegetables
Type - the type of colored vegetables have a high content of antioxidants and nutrients, so it can nourish and strengthen brain cells. In addition, colored vegetables such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and pumpkins are also favored by children - children and not to make children bored with vegetables can dikreasikan a food with a unique shape, like a favorite cartoons or animals and flowers - flowers.
3. Eggs
Eggs are a type of food high in protein and easy to obtain, besides the price is also quite affordable. Egg yolk is a part that contains choline. Well, choline is beneficial to improve memory and memory in children.

4. Salmon
Who is not familiar with the salmon which was widely acknowledged to be the high content of omega-3. The content is very instrumental in the development and growth of brain function. With the fulfillment of omega-3 per day can make the mind sharper and omega-3 in salmon is very high compared to other fish species.

5. Wheat Pure
Whole grains have the benefit of an adequate supply of glucose to the brain needs a constant and stable. The fiber content in oats is useful to organize the process of release of glucose in the body. Selan, whole grains also contain vitamin B which is able to maintain the nervous system to stay healthy.

6. Nuts
Nuts - nuts are foods that contain complete nutrition, such as complex carbohydrates, protein, omega-3, fiber, vitamins and minerals needed by the body and especially the brain. The function of all these contents can improve thinking ability and increase of energy that lasts longer in children - children.

Thus was the kind of food additive intelligence in children. So, to increase intelligence in children is not just teach science, but must be balanced with food intake that support intelligence. Happy reading!

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