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Coffee Benefits for Every Body Parts

Coffee offers a variety of healthy benefits from head to foot. Here are the benefits of coffee healthy for the body.

Yes, coffee really is addictive and sometimes makes the heart beat and nervous. However, coffee also offers a variety of healthy benefits from head to foot. Here are the benefits of coffee healthy for the body.

Two hundred milligrams of caffeine can increase the memory capacity in the long term, says a new study.

Women who regularly eat three cups of black coffee per day, significantly down on risk of skin cancer melanoma, according to a study in 2012.

Consumption of more than two cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of liver disease such as cirrhosis of the liver.

Drinking six cups of coffee per day appears to reduce levels of uric acid, especially in men, so the risk of gout was reduced by 59 percent.

The risk of depression in women was reduced by 20 percent in women who drank a cup of coffee, according to the study Harvard School of Public Health.

Consume 200-300 mg of caffeine per day makes the heart work better with the way blood circulation while you rest.

Drinking three to four cups per day will make you more energetic and more durable exercise, says a study PLoS One.

The consumption of a cup of coffee without sugar per day lowers the risk of diabetes by 33 percent, according to a study from Harvard.

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